Hello, and welcome to my professional home on the web.

I am a dual-certified physician associate and doctorally-prepared family nurse practitioner, currently based in southeast New Mexico, USA.  My areas of special interest are geriatrics and internal medicine, and I have expertise in general family practice. My experience has been primarily with diverse and underserved populations. As a clinician I believe strongly that all people should have access to quality, culturally-appropriate health care, and I support legislation that expands access to quality, evidence-based care. At the same time I understand the economics facing clinics, offices, and hospitals in the US. I am EHR-literate.

Please feel free to browse my site, and to contact me regarding professional matters. I am currently opening the clinic at Southeast New Mexico College, and will be providing services to students, faculty, and staff at that location when the clinic is up and running.

Thank you for your interest!

Updated April 11th, 2024